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Listing # 202319555


Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 1

35 Misty Lane N Onanole, Manitoba

R36//Onanole/What about a nice little getaway spot? This 675 sq ft, 3 bedroom cabin is situated in the middle of a quiet...

Listing # 202413651


77 Outback Drive Brandon, Manitoba

A01//Brandon/Welcome to Oakridge Estates in north-west Brandon. These lots include 71,73,75 and 77 Outback Drive. All ...

Listing # 202500569


Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

107113 74N Road Minnedosa, Manitoba

DNE//Minnedosa/This country property located near the intersection of Highway 10 and RD 74, just 15 minutes north of ...

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Judy Ferris

Judy Ferris 

Sales Representative

Phone: 204.572.7767  

Mobile: 204.572.7767  


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